Ministère de la Justice DECM Royaume du Maroc ئاپەکان

E-justice mobile Morocco 1.2.0
The judicial e-services of the Ministry of Justice In theframeworkof the implementation of major strategic objectives of theCharterof the justice system reform in its part concerningmodernizingjudicial administration, and in line with the strategicobjectivesof digital Morocco, and taking into consideration theadded valueoffered by the use of modern technologies to theperformance ofjudicial facility both at the level of effectiveness,orefficiency, or transparency, or improving the quality ofjudicialservices. And in the framework of the Ministry’s objectivetoupgrade to highest communication levels and interact withcitizensand users, and given the maximum importance and theimportant placetaken by the use of smart phone applications in thecommunicationand dissemination of information and its exploitation,the Ministryhas prepared an application concerning the electronicjudicialservices as a new notion which aims to approximatejudicialinformation from citizens and users and to facilitateaccess to it.This new informational application offers manytechnical functionsand possibilities that allow taking advantage ofa set of judicialservices available 24 hours a day and seven days aweek, it alsoallows getting the data instantaneously and accordingto the latestrevisions in different information systems for theMinistry ofJustice and Liberties. The services provided by theInformationalapplication e-justice Mobile: - Tracking casesservice: Thisservice permits to have access to information and thelist ofactions undertaken in the civil and the injunctive files atthelevel of first instance courts and appeal courts, andtheadministrative files at the level of the administrative courtsandthe administrative courts of appeal, and the commercial filesatthe level of the commercial courts and the commercialappealcourts. The service to consider the fate of criminalrecordrequests: this service permits to track the phases oftreatingcriminal record requests that have been deposited via theInternet.The service to have access to the list of judicialannouncements:this service allows browsing the differentannouncements concerningmovable and real estate sales declared atthe different courts ofthe Kingdom without having to move to thecourts. The traderegister service: This service permits, on the onehand, knowingthe necessary documents for establishing enterprisesand the legalreferences organizing it and, on the other hand, itoffers thepossibility of research and investigation about the legalexistenceof the enterprises registered at the trade register,whether itconcerns physical or moral persons. The service ofJudicial map:This service permits knowing the competent court todecide on thedispute according to the type of the case on the basisof the localcommunity index, also the application providesinformation tocommunicate with different courts of the kingdom, andtheirgeographical position coordinates via smart maps system.